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Safe and sound putt putt

Prague Golf and Games will reopen under current strict measures:


Facemasks are mandatory in all inside areas. Naturally very small children have exemption.

Keep 2 feet apart

Please try to stay 2 feet away from other players.


Desinfection is available at several spots around the mini golf, please use it as needed. You can also opt for traditional antibacterial soap and water at our bathrooms.


We prefer credit card payments.

Drinks, tables

Normally you come in, place your belongings where you wish and carry your beer or drink around the course - that has to change temporarily. When you enter, you and your party will be assigned table and locker. You can keep your valuables in the locker and your drinks etc.need to stay at your assigned table. You can also rent some games to play at your table.

After you leave, this table will be disinfected and cleaned before the next guest arrives.

Staff and venue

Apart of the usual daily cleaning, we pay extra attention to the surfaces that are touched often and disinfect those on regular basis.

Putters, balls and other equipment is also cleaned and disinfected after each use.

Staff is using all possible forms or safety measures and protective equipment.

Looking forward to see you putt putt!



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Black light minigolf
Crew Bar Prague


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Mini golf in the heart of Prague

Michalská 12, Praha 1, Česká republika/Czechia 

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Great fun for stag parties. 

Skvělá zábava pro rozlučky se svobodou.

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