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Nabídka pro školy
  • program suitable for all ages

  • indoor minigolf, it is possible to play even in bad weather

  • possibility of booking in the morning

  • in the city center

Black light adventure minigolf is designed for small and large children and adults. According to us, the minimum age of a minigolf player is about 3 years, even though we have small plastic sticks for the youngest children who are just learning to walk.

For school trips, we can offer the opening of mini golf in the morning, so that you have the whole space just for yourself.

The game itself is unlimited in time, but on average children will play for 60-90 minutes.

There are other games that your students can play - such as Jenga or billiards. We also have arcade games for coins (CZK 10/20) such as football, air hockey or flippers.


Book your time at or by phone +420 733 461 444.



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Black light minigolf
Crew Bar Prague

Arcade games
Board games

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Mini golf in the heart of Prague

Michalská 12, Praha 1, Česká republika/Czechia 

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Great fun for stag parties. 

Skvělá zábava pro rozlučky se svobodou.

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