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Give your loved ones or friends a voucher for entertainment. Choose the amount you want to give. The voucher can be used both for minigolf at Prague Golf and Games and for a game of shuffleboard or UV ping pong at our second venue Crew Bar Prague .

Both are located in the center of Prague, so it is possible to play at both locations on the same day.


MIchalská12, Praha 1



Jiráskovo náměstí 4, Praha 2


1. Fill out the form and click submit

2. Don't forget to credit the dedication

3. We will send the voucher and invoice to your email within 24 hours.

Darujte zábavu / Gift voucher

Vyberte hodnotu voucheru

By submitting the form, you agree to send your personal data for the purposes of booking Prague Golf & Games. The information is handled in accordance with the applicable laws of the Czech Republic, in particular with the Personal Data Protection Act No. 101/2000 Coll. as amended by later amendments and regulations and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (GDPR) .

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Black light minigolf
Crew Bar Prague

Arcade games
Board games

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Mini golf in the heart of Prague

Michalská 12, Praha 1, Česká republika/Czechia 

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Great fun for stag parties. 

Skvělá zábava pro rozlučky se svobodou.

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